Thursday, April 26, 2012

I am a hipster b/c I am hip. So... FUCK OFF.

the hipster kit

follow up to my comic:
**It also helps to be sickly thin to the near point of emaciation**

(1.) Know all the coolest hangouts.
(2.) Know the most popular 5 crappy indie bands and blabber about them incessantly.
(3.) Go to said cool hangouts, snort a line in the bathroom, purchase a $2 lonestar, and blabber incessantly about said crappy bands and the philosophical ideas of Ayn Rand.
(4.) To avoid answering "I'm a 24 year old pizza boy" when asked what you do you can shout "Whoa, my favorite Editors song!" and run to the center of the dancing scenester sluts and start flailing your arms and dry humping the drunkest looking one. She'll probably make out with you. Also, anyone you may meet and converse with for longer than 5 minutes would probably appreciate this move in order to avoid punching you for annoying the crap out of them.

Being a neat and cool hipster still won't prevent you from being lured into hipster traps or getting your annoying ass punched by a redneck....