Friday, May 4, 2012

regulating. it's what i am good at.


I'm no longer an investigator, but I still see environmental violations pretty often and that's when I miss the regulating portion of that job. This one is close to home... I mean like 50 feet so i'm not going to let it slide [into the creek haha].

There are 2 piles of construction debris outside of this construction site's Limits of Construction (LOC) that are actually on my apartment's parking lot and have begun sliding down into Aroyo Seco Creek. My coworker/neighbor and I got a hold of the construction plans submitted to [and approved by] the City of Austin and I got to see the schematics for their erosion and sediment controls.

The 2 red x's mark the piles of debris from the picture. In this close up you can where the LOC (limits of construction) is marked and where piles of debris are located. Even if they were w/in the LOC they would still need to have some silt fence below them to keep it from sliding in the creek... which is already happening.

They builders haven't been on site working since I noticed this violation, but as soon as I see them I intend to ask them to remove the piles of debris. We went ahead and notified the City of Austin since they did approve this plan and the builders aren't working in accordance w/ it.

Irresponsible construction like this is ubiquitous and a major environmental problem that can be detrimental to sensitive areas like this creek. I notice stuff like this all the time now and it's really frustrating b/c I know the state does not have the means to catch all violators and enforce corrective action. Why can't people just do the right thing in the first place... and build according to their approved plans? Oh, yes... b/c they are lazy and cheap.

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