Friday, June 27, 2008

tiny fists. for which i exist.

strolling myopically blank stare empty heart... is chaste
mind is full strangely at ease it is rare
occasionally glancing over my shoulder i walk fast
the strangers, friends, and neighbors that pass
they stare
they glare
ogle this i am beautiful and fair
oh to hold this heart and have it
impossible it has crumbled
with a thousand tears
torn ripped broken
i reside in the land of cockaigne
sans the lascivious cocaine
addiction haunts me
memories that hurt
they never fade
go into the abyss
abominable abuse
loaded fist
all of you
i'm lying there in the shade
elusive shade
where will we bathe??
in the dessert
i drink the cactus juice
satiate innate desires w/ this fruit
my true love has come to save me
i let down my golden hair
a mirage
it is a hungry mountain lizard liger thing
it eats me
i'm dead....
illusory gorgon in disguise
she feasts upon my flesh
but i've gone to bed
i've gone to sleep to dream
and to no longer cease to be
in this dreadful existence
future unforseen...
except by me
prescient this:
the harbinger w/ the tiny fists