Saturday, August 22, 2009

There is no place like home...

...and it might be here.

Might be there!

Might be... Anywhere...

Away from violence...
Let's finish a damn sentence...
Away from delusions...
Illusory illusions.

Home is where the heart is...

The heart is where the sun sits...

(def. Not where the monster shits [heh}))))

convoluted sexuality
mélange of entitlement "propriety"...

I love him. I shall wait.

In the meantime... I shall date..

As for MY life...

'twill be great.


ps narking is rather GAY!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

my newest and scariest stalker yet

Sent me this text and facebook message this morning: "When I see you again I'm going to beat the shit out of you and rape you. got it?" His name is Allen Delgadillo. He has a B.S. in Biology from Texas State. He gave me a ride to find my lost keys at Creekside and then we had some beers at Shangra-La. He seemed "ok", but pretty invasive and a bit creepy. At that point I was texting friends to get me away from him. I got him to take me to Starseeds where he started rubbing his creeper foot on my leg and I immediately demanded he stop. He gave me a deluded smile and kept at it. I was terrified. I called my friend Norm from the bathroom and saw Allen get up in a rush to leave.. I said "make sure you don't leave with my phone"... He left.., tipping only $1 for his food (I ordered none). The next day he commenced with super psychotic harrassment. I tried to be reasonable to get my phone but gave up upon realizing how dangerous he is. The police report case number from today is: 09-2271133. Ugh... So scary!!!! :-(

Thursday, August 6, 2009

i found my king.

some gay ass poetry i wrote w/ links to pics and junks and stuff

I would like to manumit your soul
free you w/ harbinger fists
I never stole from you
I gave you an infinite kiss
I gave you booze and lovins...
I had to leave that day
I earn my keep
I make ends meat
I work hard long and through
I survive
I'm not a wife
No boy be wantin' me
I'm just too smart
and too fucked up
Never a bride to be
I'd like for you..
to stop right there and take stock
be happy and i'll keep you round
friend or foe
well have it out
party til the break of dawn
roof tops, booze bottles
shiny roundabouts...
throw kegs in pools
flotational devices
expedients to fun
radically maxim artifices
Explicate your reasons
Do not always analyze
Hear me and just listen
I've not lead a perfect life
Surprise, nor have you
for we are only human
Our souls go for a ride...
On this ever revolving cyclic universe
Ridiculous rollercoaster ride
This ever revolving pattern of existence...
but we can just refer to it as "LIFE".

Live well and prosper. You may be a king.
But I will NOT be your Queen.

by: lena batman (the artist formally known as lena sheree hoffman)