Sunday, May 27, 2012

iChest: the cooler that does it all!!!

Ichest is your ultimate cooler for all of those outdoor events in your life.  Unlike other coolers with speakers, the ichest is designed to hold the maximum amount of food and beverages.  With an easy access recharge port, audio cable port, volume knob, and on/off switch, the ichest is made for everyone.  

  I want one!!!

I suggest you go like them on Facebook and tell your friends. We all need one of these for iChest emergencies. Fun!!! :-)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Men have sports bars... I have an idea.

I like to hang at zee bar to take care of business on my laptop... whether that may be social networking, looking at porn, studying for the GRE, working on my HTML skills for my website, helping friends and clients w/ their resumes, offering advice to my friends to quickly assist them in getting out of jams, doing Calculus homework, etc.

Now the closest bar to me is a sports bar and I love the staff here. My bartenders are stellar. I love the professionalism. I love the A.C., the food, the extensive beer selection on draft. The only minute problem is that I abhor sports. They are so boring! I just had an brilliant idea:

A "sports" bar for women, but instead of playing sports it's all E all day... Kardashians for hours and then E true hollywood stories, Fashion Police, Talk Soup... it's my personal wet dream! Then when men showed up to pick us up and bother us... we'd be like "Shhh!!! OMG, Khloe is so cray cray! I know she din-int!!!!" But I wouldn't mind the dudes coming for a little bit of attention whilst they admire my goodies. AS LONG AS THEY ARE BUYING ME DRINKS. 

Ok, as soon as I am drunk enough to go to the bank w/out dying of bank anxiety (b/c the bank is boring and stressful).. I am going to see about getting a small business loan for my new, genious idea! Yes! I'll just draw a diagram of boobs like that episode of Sunny. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Leslie at SXSW 2006. I miss him and when he ran for mayor... I effin' voted him. No regrets!!!

Back before the buses insisted on running people over all the time. Is this Austin... or is this San Francisco?? :-/

Friday, May 4, 2012


a poem I wrote for a long lost friend...

Current mood:lonely
Ode to Frogstien*

Oh, his name was Frogstien.
Into my life he came.
He was bright, beautiful, and green.
Life shall never be the same
after the night he packed up his lily
and caught the midnight train
to frog heaven...
that's where he'll be.

It's nearing eleven
but outside he's nowhere to be seen....
Oh lordy! Praise Jeebus in frog heaven!
What happened to my Frogstien?
For three weeks it must have been
he sat in the net hole just beside the shallow end.
No longer is he there!
Oh, Frogstein, hear my keen!

Never will I see his little head again
poking from the hole just beside the shallow end.
Now I swim alone
for my little Frogstien's dead.
*Two summers ago there was a toad who hung out by my pool. He poked his little head out from the hole that the volleyball net poles went into. It was his lil hang out... He'd be chillin' w/ Greg and I on all our drunken pool nights. Then one day he was gone. We lamented his absense... I speculated it was his death. His name... was Frogstien [I had thought he was a frog]. I miss him... and I miss Greg, the world's best Ham, more!

The Canvasser

The Canvasser

As I relax, in the evening, sans slacks
there came a knock at my door..
Who doth impede my leisure?
With zealous impropriety, stood a soliciting boor.
"What have you, this evening? Elucidate your bourn...
I haven't any funds. Currently, I'm rather poor."
"Blah, blah, blah.. Please donate..
to the environmental campaign."
"Sir, I work for the environment. 8 hours every day.."
"For donations we ask for $30, maybe 38"
"I said I have no money so accept it and good day."
I do more for the environment
than hippies asking for (monetary) change.
Canvasser, stay away.

regulating. it's what i am good at.


I'm no longer an investigator, but I still see environmental violations pretty often and that's when I miss the regulating portion of that job. This one is close to home... I mean like 50 feet so i'm not going to let it slide [into the creek haha].

There are 2 piles of construction debris outside of this construction site's Limits of Construction (LOC) that are actually on my apartment's parking lot and have begun sliding down into Aroyo Seco Creek. My coworker/neighbor and I got a hold of the construction plans submitted to [and approved by] the City of Austin and I got to see the schematics for their erosion and sediment controls.

The 2 red x's mark the piles of debris from the picture. In this close up you can where the LOC (limits of construction) is marked and where piles of debris are located. Even if they were w/in the LOC they would still need to have some silt fence below them to keep it from sliding in the creek... which is already happening.

They builders haven't been on site working since I noticed this violation, but as soon as I see them I intend to ask them to remove the piles of debris. We went ahead and notified the City of Austin since they did approve this plan and the builders aren't working in accordance w/ it.

Irresponsible construction like this is ubiquitous and a major environmental problem that can be detrimental to sensitive areas like this creek. I notice stuff like this all the time now and it's really frustrating b/c I know the state does not have the means to catch all violators and enforce corrective action. Why can't people just do the right thing in the first place... and build according to their approved plans? Oh, yes... b/c they are lazy and cheap.

AIM chats from my cubicle days... Kimrod, Megs Bettis, etc.

more leenie & kimrod workday musings

leenie: man crazy cat lady was like having a square dancing hoedown w/ all her cats or some shit last night..
KimRod (GSMotNKK): was there country music and meowing?
leenie: there was like stomping and cat squeals of joy
or terror
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  likely, terror. not many cats like doe-see-doeing or being twirled about
Is she the one with the basset hound with the huge ass-tumor? Who the other day said stupidly "ya'll seen a basset hound around here?"
leenie: no crazy cat lady lives upstairs
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  wtf? That thing moves like .1 mile an hour. She could have looked within about 20 feet and likely found it, shuffling slowly away
leenie: she should say "have you seen a large tumor w/ a dog attached to it?"
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  lolol that poor thing, it can't possibly make a successful getaway
You'd always find it, from the squeals of terrified children
I should steal that dog and get that poor thing removed
leenie: she lets it shit all over
doesnt pick it up. i told on her.
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  good! maybe they'll evict her, and she'll be forced to give her dog to someone who will care for it
leenie: i got my apt manager to put up doggy bags w/ poopy disposal bins
so she has no excuse now
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  that's awesome!!!
leenie: ill talk shit to her if i see her still leaving it.
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  we need some of those around here for the bums hahaha, "talk shit"
leenie: pun intended*
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  good, that's seriously shameful for them to leave their site like that
i almost stepped in bum-poo the otherday
it was...yeah, no words.
at first i was like "no, it's gotta just be a big dog's..."
but there was a candy wrapper and beer can sitting next to it.
leenie: ugh. that's seriously foul.
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  yeah, part of me was like "it's ok kim, it's ok. it's just gorilla poo. yeah....that's it."
somehow that was less disturbing.
leenie:  sure gorillas have much better poo
they have a natural diet. they dont feast on garbage and malt liquor.
bums wash down garbage w/ malt liquor
gorillas eat foliage and berries.
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  haha
leenie: i'd rather step on gorilla turds anyday
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  i want to google gorilla poo to see, but i'm at work
leenie: haha they might think you have some sick fetish.
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  well, my search (did it anyway) yielded two awesome pics:
(neither of poo)
leenie: does that gorilla have bagpipes?
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  yes. yes, he does.
A bag pipin' gorilla.
leenie: ok if there was ever a reason for interspecies lovins... it'd be a sexy skilled gorilla like that!
KimRod (GSMotNKK):  hahaha

attempting to sleep w/ my eyes open

lena: i'm so sleepy
megan: i'm fucking anxious
megan: i want out of this office
lena: me too
lena: it's kinda like prison
megan: hehe
megan: papercut on pinky = brutal
lena: it's like in prison... when someone stabs you for pudding
megan: i almost spit out my coke.

word of the day

Word of the Day *edited*

Wal-Mart - [wawl-mahrt]
1. A backwoods dolt lacking entirely in propriety. [by lena]
2. Provincial, republican, luddites that typically drive SUV's, reject change, and do not give a flip about you or anything, unless you are raising taxes. [by kelly]
[To Kelly] I was preparing my lunch and **Wal-Martian identity protected** looked at me and said "Soup in a box? That ain't right!" *Rolls eyes* Hahahha! 
Kelly said, "***** is so Wal-mart". I just laughed my ass off and said "OMG that is the epitome of the perfect adjective for her"! The Kelly sent me the email below...

Soup? In a BOX??!!  That's just not right.  What's next?  Sugar in a box?  Toothpaste in a box?  sodas in a box?  The world has gone mad, I tell you.  Things today are just not right.  It's anarchy, I tell you what.  Why, the Wal-Mart I shop at would NEVER carry anything in a box.  No sir-ee-bob.  None, of this hippie boxed foods for me.  I'll eat my vienna sausages from a can, the way God intended, thank you very much. 
I lmao'd!