Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Lana Del Rey in October! Ice Cream Rules.

Today was a good day. I made plans to go to a music festival where Lana Del Rey is performing and I am elated! My trip to Los Angeles will be fun and full of good times with great friends. I will not sulk about William. I will not cry over him anymore. A few days ago, I was consumed with anger that he jilted me in such a way. The anger has faded and I'm just a bit sad now. I would still smash a pie in his face. He sucks. I hope he one day sits in the front row at a Gallager performance and gets watermelon juice in his eye! 😡 Why can't I stop missing him?! Ugh. 

I hopped back on Ok Cupid just for the fun of it. I found all the messages (70 the first day and about 40 a day since) overwhelming. The time isn't right for that. Once I have a handle on my relationship with myself and a firm grasp on stability, I'll be better equipped and more emotionally available. Lately, I've been taking time to feel grateful for what I do have. My hard work has been paying off and I'm very optimistic about future opportunities and what type of career I might have. My summa cum laude degree and multifarious experience are things to be proud of... things I kinda forgot I had after I had lost myself in addiction, poor choices, some wayward circumstances, and perpetually playing the victim. I'm proud to be past all that now.

I am also so grateful for my friends. And my family. And my dog. I'm also grateful for ice cream. I was inhaling a melting ice cream bar on the way home from the grocery store this evening. At a stoplight, I glanced up and out of the corner of my eye noticed a creeper ogling me with ice cream jizz all over my face. Ha.

Ok, I'm going to masturbate before bed and try not to be think about Billy so I can cum. (Yeah right). Bleh.

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